Working with the senses | EN | Venerable Canda

Working with the senses | EN | Venerable Canda
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Working with the senses | EN | Venerable Canda

Apr 24 2024 | 00:57:24

Episode April 24, 2024 00:57:24

Show Notes

In this talk, Venerable Canda talks about guarding the sense doors, and the hindrances that arise in relation to the sensory world, with the goal to create clarity of mind. She talks about the sense bases, and how contact creates feelings in body and mind − pleasant or not − resulting in craving or ill will. Seeing that this process is conditioned, not substantial, reduces the reactivity and the creation of suffering. She gives examples, and refer to stories both from contemporary teachers and the original teachings of the Buddha.

This teaching was given at Venabu 2024:

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